Développement web : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap et Git
About Course
1/ HTML : 1. Document Structure:
Understanding the basic structure of an HTML document with the <!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head>, and <body> elements.
2. Elements and Tags:
Knowledge of common HTML elements such as headings (<h1> to <h6>), paragraphs (<p>), lists (<ul>, <ol>, <li>), links (<a>), images (<img>), and more.
3. Attributes:
Mastery of attributes like src, href, alt, class, id, style, and others, and how they affect element behavior and appearance.
4. Semantic HTML:
Using semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <main>, <article>, <section>, <aside>, and <footer> to give meaning and structure to your content for accessibility and SEO.
5. Forms:
Creating forms using elements like <form>, <input>, <textarea>, <select>, and various input types, including text, password, radio, checkbox, etc. Understanding form attributes like name, required, placeholder, and validation.
6. Tables:
Building tables using elements like <table>, <thead>, <tbody>, <tr>, <th>, and <td>, and learning about table attributes and accessibility considerations.
7. Multimedia:
Embedding multimedia content with <audio>, <video>, <iframe>, and understanding their attributes and fallback options.
8. Hyperlinks:
Creating hyperlinks to navigate within a website or link to external resources, using anchor tags <a> and attributes like href, target, and rel.
9. Lists:
Understanding ordered (<ol>) and unordered (<ul>) lists, and using list item <li> elements effectively.
10. Metadata:
- Adding metadata to your HTML document through elements like <meta>, <title>, <link>, and <base> in the <head> section.
11. Document Structure and Outlines:
- Knowing how to create an appropriate document structure and understanding the document outline algorithm for improved accessibility.
12. HTML5 Features:
- Mastery of HTML5 features such as <header>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, <aside>, <figure>, <figcaption>, <time>, <details>, and <summary>.
13. HTML Entities:
- Understanding and using HTML entities for special characters (e.g., , <, >, &).
14. HTML Validation:
- Regularly validating your HTML code using tools like the W3C Markup Validation Service to ensure compliance with standards.15. SEO Best Practices: - Understanding how HTML structure, meta tags, and structured data impact search engine optimization.
16. Cross-Browser Compatibility:
- Addressing cross-browser compatibility issues by testing and adjusting your HTML code for different browsers.
17. Character Encoding:
- Familiarity with character encoding and specifying the character set in the <meta> element (e.g., <meta charset="UTF-8">).
18. HTML Forms and Data Submission:
- Grasping how form data is submitted using methods like POST and GET and understanding server-side processing
19. HTML Comments:
- Using HTML comments (<!-- comment -->) for documentation and code annotations. and More ......
2/ CSS 1. CSS Properties and Values:
Familiarity with a wide range of CSS properties and their values, including but not limited to:
Typography (font-family, font-size, font-weight, text-align, text-transform, etc.).
Colors (color, background-color, opacity, rgba, hsl, etc.).
Layout (width, height, margin, padding, display, position, float, clear, etc.).
Borders (border, border-radius, border-color, border-style, etc.).
Box model (box-sizing, margin-collapse, etc.).
Transitions and animations (transition, animation, keyframes, etc.).
Flexbox and Grid properties for advanced layouts.
Understanding shorthand properties and their order (e.g.,
margin: 10px 20px 30px 40px
2. CSS Selectors:
Basic selectors (element selectors, class selectors, ID selectors).
Compound selectors (combining multiple selectors).
Pseudo-classes (
, etc.). -
Pseudo-elements (
, etc.). -
Attribute selectors (
3. Box Model:
In-depth understanding of the CSS box model, including content, padding, border, and margin.
Control over box model properties using
4. CSS Layout Techniques:
Mastery of CSS layout models, including:
Floats for text wrapping and layout.
Flexbox for one-dimensional layouts.
CSS Grid for two-dimensional layouts.
Creating responsive layouts with media queries.
Understanding the CSS display property (block, inline, inline-block, etc.).
5. Positioning:
Proper usage of positioning methods (relative, absolute, fixed, and static) to control element placement.
Understanding the
property for controlling stacking order.
6. Responsive Web Design:
Creating responsive designs that adapt to various screen sizes using media queries.
Mobile-first design principles.
Fluid layouts using percentage and relative units (em, rem).
7. CSS Transitions and Animations:
Applying smooth transitions and animations to elements.
Defining animations using
8. CSS Specificity and Cascade:
Understanding CSS specificity and the cascade to manage conflicting styles.
Avoiding over-specificity and learning when to use
9. CSS Preprocessors:
Working with CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less to write cleaner and more maintainable code using variables, mixins, and nesting.
10. CSS Frameworks:
- Familiarity with popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap
11. Cross-Browser Compatibility:
- Dealing with cross-browser compatibility issues by using vendor prefixes and testing on different browsers.
12. Version Control:
- Using Git or other version control systems to manage CSS code changes and collaborate with teams.
13. Optimization:
- Techniques for optimizing CSS performance, such as minimizing code, reducing HTTP requests, and optimizing images.
14. CSS Architecture:
- Implementing scalable and maintainable CSS architectures, such as BEM (Block, Element, Modifier), SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS), or OOCSS (Object-Oriented CSS).
15. Accessibility:
- Ensuring that your CSS styles don't hinder accessibility and following WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) guidelines.
16. CSS Custom Properties (Variables):
- Utilizing CSS custom properties to create reusable and dynamic styles.
17. Debugging and DevTools:
- Proficient use of browser developer tools for debugging CSS issues.
18. CSS Flexibility and Future Trends:
- Staying updated with evolving CSS features, specifications, and best practices.
3/ Bootstrap 1. Grid System:
Bootstrap's grid system is fundamental. Learn how to create responsive layouts using rows, columns, and breakpoints (e.g.,
classes). -
Understand the grid classes for different screen sizes (e.g.,
for medium screens,col-lg-6
for large screens).
2. Bootstrap Components:
Familiarize yourself with the most commonly used Bootstrap components, including:
Navigation components (navbar, nav, dropdowns).
Typography elements (headings, paragraphs, text alignment).
Buttons and button groups.
Forms, input groups, and form validation.
Modals, alerts, and tooltips.
Carousel and accordion components.
Cards for content presentation.
3. Responsive Design:
Learn how to make your website responsive by using Bootstrap's responsive classes and utility classes (e.g.,
, etc.).
4. Utility Classes:
Bootstrap offers a wide range of utility classes to modify and style elements quickly. Understand classes like
, andm-*
for margins and padding.
5. Customization:
Bootstrap can be customized to match your project's design. Learn how to customize the Bootstrap build by modifying variables and using Sass.
6. JavaScript Components:
Know how to use Bootstrap's JavaScript components. Some components require JavaScript for functionality (e.g., modals, tooltips, carousels).
Include Bootstrap's JavaScript and jQuery (or Popper.js) in your project to enable these components.
7. Accessibility :
Be aware of accessibility best practices when using Bootstrap components. Ensure that your content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.
8. Bootstrap Themes:
Explore and use Bootstrap themes and templates available online to jumpstart your projects and customize them according to your needs.
9. Documentation and Resources:
Familiarize yourself with the official Bootstrap documentation. Bootstrap's website provides comprehensive documentation with examples and explanations.
10. Bootstrap 4 vs. Bootstrap 5:
- Understand the differences between Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5, including changes in class names and features, and choose the appropriate version for your project.
11. Integration with JavaScript Frameworks:
- Bootstrap can be used with JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js. Learn how to integrate Bootstrap into these frameworks if you are working with them.
12. Debugging and Troubleshooting:
- Be prepared to troubleshoot issues related to Bootstrap, such as conflicts with other CSS or JavaScript libraries, and use browser developer tools for debugging.
4/ GITHUB Learn how to upload your code using GitHub Desktop. Deploy your code on GitHub Pages to make it visible to everyone. Gain the skills to pull code from GitHub. Understand version control concepts and practices. Collaborate with others using GitHub repositories. Manage branches and resolve merge conflicts. Explore GitHub features for issue tracking and project management. ==> In this course, you will make more than 15 projects from scratch .
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HTML / CSS / Bootsrap / Github 🎥
Student Ratings & Reviews
merci c'est une formation merveilleuse et agréable; notamment dans la transmission fluide des informations , mille merci bon courage et bon travail
he has a great way of transmitting the information. I recommend it.