Programmation ARDUINO Et Robotique (Niveau 1)
About Lesson

00 ⇒ 29:48     ( Microcontrollers An Introduction to Their Characteristics)

29:48 ⇒ 36:58 (Exploring Arduino Product Families )

36:58 ⇒ 50:52 (Essential Resources for Getting Started with Arduino Programming (Vs code + platform Io) )

50:52 ⇒ 1:29 :15 (Arduino Uno Pinout )

1:29 :15 ⇒ To End (Arduino Blinking LED as Your First Code)

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ROUA MEKKI 4 months ago
عسلامة أنا لقيت 16 فيديو موش normalement 25 vidéo علاش فيديو مسجلين علاش بالحضور في Google Meet
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